We all see that the Israeli economy is in a state of emergency and the circles of influence are wide and challenging. The current period poses obstacles to all branches of the economy, to organizations in all the different horticultural fields. Questions like: How do you create business continuity in a war situation? How do you encourage a productive culture and motivation among employees in an emergency situation? How can one meet goals and create long-term, or even short-term plans, when future business activity is so uncertain?
In order to try to answer these questions and many more, we at Strauss decided on a strategy to pick up the gauntlet and create a conversation with senior managers in the economy who represent the variety of industries in order to hear a little from them: how to do it right and what are their insights going forward for a routine that will help. to restart the wheels of the Israeli economy.
We believe that meetings of this type are very valuable so that we can share and learn from the actions of different organizations. Happily, we were able to unite this week a particularly fine team of leaders of organizations and business units from the most significant companies in Israel.
For those who didn’t make it, the full recording is attached: