Think as big as possible, as far as possible, as David Bowie said – “Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.”
That’s what one of the participants said at the end of the Xlabs in a Box program from Strauss Strategy that took place for 3 months with a wonderful client from Maccabi Health Services.
At the beginning of March we set off, a group of 27 brave and talented managers from Maccabi Health Services accompanied by 10 business mentors and technologists from Strauss and a leading steering team of the Maccabi management.
Together we put together 3 groups and under the guidance of Sigal Dadon, CEO of Maccabi we set out for the goal:
“To find the next thing that will become a reality changer that the digital service of Maccabi Health Services will give to Maccabi’s policyholders.”
What’s important:
1. We left the ego out, most of the time
2. We went on a startup journey, the participants left the Maccabi box and entered the world of entrepreneurship. Everyone felt that the journey was not always comfortable and certainly not padded
3. We believed that we would receive professional tools from two ways of thinking from the world of entrepreneurship and startup
Each of the 3 groups set a goal to identify business value from the health world or capabilities of Maccabi business significance, as they say in the language of startups that will differentiate Maccabi from its competitors.
Today, after only 14 weeks, the groups reach their goal with 3 groundbreaking digital business ventures in the health world.
All those taking part in the journey learned, practiced and implemented dozens of practical tools from the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, from the world of product, digital and technology and created an internal Maccabi work network with innovative entrepreneurial ability to lead digital health projects at record speed in Maccabi Health Services.
This journey is partnered by Microsoft, which helped us plan our ventures based on the technological capabilities that exist today in general and on the subject of Health in particular. Together we built a lean solution that knew how to combine Maccabi’s strength with the broad technological wealth that Microsoft has to offer on the Azure cloud infrastructure, some of which already exists in Maccabi.
The implementation of the Xlabs program at Maccabi Health Services Bitito is an impressive move by Maccabi’s management, which puts the end customer at the core of its actions, believes in its managers, understands that change starts from within and that it is necessary to create quick projects like in a start-up.
Huge congratulations to Sigal Dadon Levy, CEO of Maccabi Health Services, to Liora Ben Ephraim, VP of Information Systems who took up the gauntlet with great faith in the process and in women, to the steering team that accompanied the groups closely and with exceptional professional care, for the vision, belief and leadership to the edge with enormous determination.
We at Strauss are proud to take part in this tremendous project X-labs in a BOX at Maccabi Health Services.